Glamorgan Inventory: Vol.4 part 2 Farmhouses and Cottages (eBook)
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This Inventory forms Part ii of Volume IV of the series planned for the county of Glamorgan. Volume III is intended to survey the secular monuments of the Middle Ages: Part i, defensive, and Part ii, nondefensive. Volume IV is intended to survey the secular monuments of the period between the Reformation and the Industrial Revolution: Part i The Greater Houses, and Part ii The Farmhouses and Cottages. When complete, the series should provide a comprehensive description of the surviving dwellings of the people of Glamorgan, both fortified and unfortified, from the time of the Norman invasion until the accession of George III, together with a few selected monuments of later date. In Part i of the present volume were described the principal residences of the major land-owning families built between ca. 1540 and 1760. In all, 42 houses were fully illustrated and described. In Part ii will be found some of the secondary residences of those families, as well as houses of lesser landowners, but chiefly recorded here are the houses of minor gentry and the tenant farmers, yeomen, and husbandmen, effectively the 'middle class' of rural society. In all, 1,136 houses have been noted. In addition a selection of farmbuildings has been included, a total of 342 being noted.
- Map of Ecclesiastical Parishes
- List of Maps
- Chairman's Preface
- Report, with List of Monuments selected by the Commissioners as especially worthy of preservation
- List of Commissioners and Staff
- Presentation of Material
- Abbreviated Titles of References
- Historical Survey
- Architectural Survey
- Maps illustrating Building Features
- Illustrated Inventory arranged by Plan Types
MED Medieval Houses
- AL Sub-medieval, 'Direct-Entry' Houses with Lateral Chimney
- A Sub-medieval, 'Direct-Entry' Houses with Chimneys on the End Gable or on the Cross Wall away from the Entry
- B Sub-medieval, 'Hearth-passage', End-entry and Chimney-backing-onto-the-entry Houses
- BL Sub-medieval, 'Hearth-passage' Houses: Long-houses
- C Sub-medieval, 'Lobby-entry' Houses
- E Sub-medieval, 'Offset-entry' Houses
- H Sub-medieval, 'Gable-end-entry' Houses
- U Sub-medieval, 'Unit-system' Houses
- R Renaissance 'Central-planned,' Symmetrical Houses
MISC Miscellaneous Domestic Remains
- L Llantwit Major
- CB Cowbridge
- F Farm Buildings
- List of Sites
- List of Ecclesiastical Parishes, with incidence of monuments
- List of Civil Parishes with incidence of monuments
- Glossary
- Index
- Map of Civil Parishes