Glamorgan Inventory: Vol.4, part 1 The Greater Houses (eBook)
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This Inventory forms Part i of Volume IV of the series planned for the county. The decision to publish the volume on domestic architecture in advance of its numerical and chronological order was made because of the rate of modernization and destruction to which this type of monument is susceptible. The volume is divided into two parts. The present Part i, The Greater Houses, deals mainly with houses of a high social standing, generally the houses of the greater landowners. Part ii, The Lesser Houses, will deal with the homes of the lesser landowners and yeomen. Forty two monuments are described in full in Part i. It is anticipated that the number of monuments so recorded in Part ii may exceed nine hundred.
It was previously decided that the Glamorgan Inventories (unlike the previous Inventories) should treat the historic county rather than the civil parish as the basic geographical unit. While this may be somewhat less convenient for enquirers mainly interested in the development of a very small area, the grouping together of monuments of a similar type or period over an extensive territory seems to offer considerable advantage and avoids the confusing impression created by the older type of Inventory in which monuments unrelated by type or period were placed in close proximity in the text merely because they happened to lie within the boundaries of a civil parish whose precise location and extent were in any case not widely known.
Table of Contents
- Map of Ecclesiastical Parishes
- List of Maps
- List of Plates
- List of Figures
- Chairman's Preface
- Report, with List of Monuments selected by the Commissioners as especially worthy of preservation
- List of Commissioners and Staff
- List of Ecclesiastical Parishes, with incidence of Monuments
- List of Civil Parishes, with incidence of Monuments
- Abbreviated Titles of References
- Presentation of Material
Introductory Survey
Geographical and Historical Background
- Architectural History
- Sub-medieval houses
- Houses of the Early Renaissance
- Houses of the Late Renaissance
Building Construction, Ornament and Decoration
- Masonry
- Brickwork
- Carpentry and Joinery
- Wall Paintings
- Heraldry
Maps Illustrating Social and Architectural History
- Inventory of the Greater Houses
- Arranged typologically and chronologically
- Great Courtyard Castellated Houses
- First-Floor Halls and Derivatives
- Storeyed Houses with plans derived from the Hall-house
- Renaissance
- Early Renaissance
- Late Renaissance
- Appendices
- Houses known to have been of importance in the period which have been either destroyed or altered so much that little is now recoverable
- Medieval castles and castellated houses occupied during the period and generally containing work of the period which will be fully described in Volume III, Part i
- Medieval large house occupied during the period, some containing work of the period which will be fully described in Volume III, Part ii
- Armorial
- Glossary
- Index
- Map of Civil Parishes
• Author: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, 1981
• Size: 230 x 285mm
• Pages: 419
• Illustrations: 188
• ISBN: 978-0-117007-54-3